- Ball Catcher
- Finished assembling then drilling new holes for bungees
2. Software
- attached new potentiometer that works
- need to test the values
- Vision: need to get back to that
- working on compass/navigation board & sonar sensor
- basic auto code – going through the low bar
- suggestion – have manual dials on the robot for defense combination
3. Tank Drive Testing
- tried out on some defenses
- went decently – need to keep in mind that our versions are wood; competition will be different
- still a possibility
- some people got a chance to drive – which was cool yay
4. Chassis
- welded chassis parts that will connect to the U-bolts
- Freddy will do an engineering study on welded parts
- someone could figure out how many g-s are encountered in a collision
- next challenge – not having U-bolts bump into CIM motor
- need to look at CAD drawings to alter design
5. Catapult
- needed new springs, bought them, new springs were put on
- need to test today?
- we will try with surgical hose as well
6. Fly Wheel
- Still working on building, getting a lot closer
- will have a gear on the spinning axel, which will spin the belt
- need more time to finish building it (over the weekend)
7. External Affairs
- Visit from Harry’s dad! Fun!
- Essays – chairman’s essay is almost done, dean’s list essay is getting started