Scrum Notes 1/28/16

Ball Shooter

  1. Well on the way to finish, made all the parts, just need to put them together
  2. Finishing hopefully


  1. Catapult design is made, just need to put a motor on it
  2. Put motor on it, and test it

Ball Picker Upper

  1. wasn’t deep enough to make it, pick the pivot point up 3 inches
  2. make the pivot point by tomorrow

End Game

  1. Lathed the spool, cut holes in brackets and attached them , figured out which type of motor to use, attached axels and tape measure
  2. finishing!


  1. Starting to weld the frame of the chassis, test out two designs for the chassis, wheels are attached to gear boxes
  2. getting running drive by saturday


  1. meetings tomorrow, $3,100 in sponsor money, (1,600 Raytheon , 1,000 Cornell doors, 500 Bose)
  2. essays by saturday

Test Tank Drive

  1. joystick problems
  2. running hopefully by tomorrow


  1. got the potentiometer to return values, only problem is that the values are weird
  2. fix the values


Shooter prototypes should be done by Saturday


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