- Finished the base
- Attach actual catapult arm and get rubber band on it tomorrow
- Done by tomorrow
- Attached gear onto end of the axle
- Have gears lined up that iwll spin other gears
- Belt no good
- Put bearings on
- Finished by like Friday
- Mounted on the wheels and axles and whatever
- Welded the chassis
- Need to reweld some stuff, now it is fixed
- Front is fixing ok, having to move some sims so the wires don’t hit the thing in the middle
- Back seems to be hitting the bumpers
- Attempt to move the kingpins about an inch backwards (Rear)
- Finish mounting wheels by tonight
Steering Boxes
- Need to make another piece
- Need another piece for window motor
- Piece for the wheels are done
- Need a piece for the window motors to mount the whole thing
- Time ot figure out potentiometers, would need to add about two more inches to the estimate
New Chassis
- Made most of the new parts
- Using the top frame as the bottom of the new chassis
- Both bars made almost
- Three base things to the right length and get those attached
- Pieces that hold the wheels just need the rectangular with the things cut out to hold the axles
Second Robot Gearbox
- Hasn’t been started yet
- Working on cutting axles
- Need to be tapped
- Started
- Need to test out new joystick controller
Ball catcher
- Handle Welded
- Thinking of making plastic bumper to help with moving it back into the catapult
- Need to have it not slide under
- Need to think about how to get the ball out
- Figuring out what motor would be the best to use for climbing
- Other than that it is done
Electronics Board
- May be modular due to space claims
- Will need to stuff in the electronics into the robot
- Need to be though about
- Need a battery Holder:
Tank Drive Insurance Policy
- Added large front wheels to climb obstacles and ran some tests.
- Overall: very aggressive climber, but narrow wheels require an angled approach to the Rough road. Videos below.