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- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Software (Wu)
- Today
- Working on reading the serial signal from the Arduino on the RoboRIO — this would allow us to gang together as many limit switches (and other sensors) as we would like!
- Planning
Elevator (Watts)
- Today
- Working on elevator frame — almost, almost, almost done
- Have the keyway cut, have the holes drilled
- Just need to put it together
- Backing plate has been cut
- Belt has to be mounted rubber side out — with lots and lots of tension
- Planning
- Need to make a mount
- Need to figure out how to afix the backing plate to frame
- Need to cut some spacers so that the rollers stay centered in the frame — different widths top and bottom
Sekret Art Project (Watts)
- Today
- On the road to finishing — there’s some pen stuff that Eun Soo needs to do (wasn’t here today), Sarah’s part is done
- Planning
Deans List Essays (Yang)
- Today
- David’s is essentially done
- Need to get the second one done next week
- Planning
- Coming up: on Monday, we’ll be getting a sensor tour/intro
- Coming up: “official” photo for yearbook
- Monday: 5:30 at the dining hall — eat together!
Container Lift System (Stanton & Battis)
- Today
- Wrestling with options to control the barrel “coming over the top”
- Working on dimensions for an arm to grab and swing through 180 degrees — can’t grab around the entire diameter of the barrel
- Elevator has a drop that makes us queasy — perhaps run the convey through fast to hang on to the barrel, then back it off?
- Planning