- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Pickup System (Kevin et al)
- Today
- Pickup system
- Series of hooks/keys attached to a belt (two belts)
- Elevator that picks up (each hook gets a tote)
- Pickup system
- Planning
- FIRST THING: talk with the containers for space claims issue
- Start building the hook
Containers (Niles et al.)
- Today
- 1. Hook on a stick
- (+) Simple, easy to repair, not much space needed
- (-) needs driver skill
- 2. Hook lift
- Lift and flip it onto a stack of totes
- Comes out with everything else
- (+) easier for the driver
- (-) more actions
- Ran through a scenario of autonomous (getting two barrels & three totes)
- One gets hooked and slammed down, one gets stayed on the hook
- 1. Hook on a stick
- Planning
- Check in with Pickup group
- Start building
Pulling in Totes (Mr. Roche et al)
- Today
- Frog Tongue ready
- Designed to have a backstop – it has to go away
- Remove front end to lower the front
- The Mecanum wheel has motors on front, so tote has to
- Roller skaters wheels are good (easy to use, works well)
- trying to see if it can push up tote
- the frog tongue has to make the tote go up
- change the frog tongue (like cotton candy of last robot) to add the vertical velocity
- trying to see if it can push up tote
- Planning
- Start building
*The Scoring technique is an effective technique to assess each mechanism’s advantages and disadvantages.