What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
T-shirt Design (Cynthia, Sammy, Sarah Kim)
- Today
- Design finished by Sarah Kim
- Planning
- Include the FIRST Logo on the t-shirt
- Make one more t-shirt and send it to FIRST
Strategy (Everyone else)
- Today
- Many wonderful ideas (Diagrams included at the end of this post)
- Planning
- Think of ways to evaluate ideas
- Test the TOP 3 ideas
- Create Ideas + Variations Chart on GoogleDoc or Canvas Discussion (with pictures)
- Make dummy bots and try them in real life to see how they would work
- Start CADing to see space claims
- Build step + tote-feeder for testing
**People expected to attend on weekends! (and during Mid-winter break & MLK Day)
**GOAL: Mechanism finished by 3 weeks
Images for Reference