- Adding in the functions to allow the game to be played with 2 players
- Created ball picker upper function
- Have 2 new potentiometers to test out later on
- Finishing touches
- Done by tomorrow
- Welding the two pieces in front so they don’t stick out
- Anyone wants to work after dinner, you can help Mr. Wells afterwards
- Most the things that need to be done are done
End Game
- Need another piece of thicker flat sheet of aluminum to make another bracket
- Needs to be welded
Practice Tomorrow: 1 – 5, Monday Night 7-9, Sunday Anytime
READ 5.5.10 in the game manual, shows when the obstacles get picked
- Little as 7 minutes to tether the robot and tell it what to do for autonomous
- Field officials want to know the picks quickly, have to discuss a plan and tell the field marshals, two matches AHEAD
- Have to do a lot of planning, need lots of people working together
- Laid out all the pieces, did drawings
- Decided that we need to bend the flat stock
- Should be ready to assemble after practice
Chin bar
- Have a design
Second Robot
- Finished wheels, motors, gear boxes
- Need to weld a frame