- Installed a catch for the catapult
- Tested motors, but are replacing with stronger motors
- May be changing the system
- Redesigned the ball holder, making it more secure
- Smoke? Yes, if so mark it so it doesn’t get installed on something else
- Change and check the motors
- Can’t reload properly, motor problems
- Might need to move
- Sweatshirt is out, fill out the form
- Cost $23 if 35 people buy them
- Got the Nav ax to send data to the robot
- Programmed the robot to move a certain distance
- Start to test moving the robot to a specific position tomorrow
- ‘Test on ramps to see the X acceleration
- Start setting up a second controller with controlling the robot functions
- Spend time trying to make it so the new drive train motors will work
- Finished welding so the frame is done
- Two of gearboxes is attached out of four
- Wheel is hitting chasiss, have to move back 1.5 inches
- Can attach gearboxes and wheels tomorrow
- Have to work on a steering system (Donald, June)
- End of Wednesday have a working chasis
- Got motor attached
- Cut off a section of the thing that comes out of the motor that spins the motor (shaft)
- Got that sized correctly
- Have a bearing that will attach to the hexagonal axle
- Try to finish by end of the week
- Done by tomorrow
- Use high strength polymer cable
- Smallest size can pick up a lot of weight
- Can’t be cut with a knife, but it will be thrown right away
- Buy it from AM steel
Chairman’s Award
- Pretty much done
- Essay basically done
Might want to start building second frame right away
Come talk to Mr. Wells about welding the second frame