Business Plan
- Business plan is finished
- Started writing an essay about the woodie flower award
- Video is getting started (Chairmans)
- Video for sponsor is getting started
Defense Building
- Started working on the low bar, cutting out the platform
- Drawbridge: Just needs surgical tubing on the side to finish it, Will be Done tomorrow
- Port Culls: Need to glue
- Latest Saturday
- Climbing Wall:
- Painting: Going well, needs to be painted a day before. 3 completely done, 1 half done, have to paint 2 more
Catapult Design
- Currently making 2 different forms of loading
- One is spring based, arm is dropped down and spring is pushed into place
- Second: Motors to drop down into the arm (Wheels)
- Making a passive ball picker, trying to make a box with surgical hose netting to see if it can pick up balls
- Talking about other types of shooters:
- Spinning wheels (Want to see a prototype)
- Get something made quickly
Picker Upper
- Heavy
- Not part of catapult
- Two step process to drop into the catapult (big advantage)
Programming Team
- Cameras will work with GRIP processing system
- Need to get a program to work with it
- Network table will get values from GRIP
- Can connect to catapult now
Scissor Jack
- New system for that using rollers
- Should meet height requirements
- Used to be for the pull up, do the final pull up
- Also assist in move the picker upper, not sure if can be done
- Open sally gate if needed to
- Not sure about ultimate utility for now
- If it’s only for the end thing, then it needs to be changed, needs to be much smaller
- Might not be necessary
- Huge space problems
- Make it out of one eight inch flat stock
- Primary problem: How to get a hook over the bar
- Scissor jack may not be needed or will be, depends on the number of functions it has
- Finish it Tomorrow
Drive Train
- Tires pumped
- Need to attach gearboxes to the tires
- Should attach to the chasis tomorrow
Mr. Roche’s Ideas