Day 01/15 Scrum Notes

Mechanum Wheel Gearboxes

Frame for the draw bridge
Little problem with the support since the plywood is very thin
Finish it by Tomorrow
Try bolts with big washers or a 1 by 3 frame

Scissorjack protoype is almost done,
Will be able to show manually tomorrow

Cheval de Freise will be finished today, glue is already on
Once glue is dry, the tube can go in

Eunsoo and him have worked on the front design for hte sweatshirt, possibly design along the arm
Done by tomorrow or Tuesday

Have the drive train working, setting up the radio
Camera is now usable, camera can be connected to the code which can cause the robot to do things

Zenia and she are working on sallyport, working on assembling the ramp

Woodie Flowers award given to a mentor, last year Mr. Wells. This year is Mr. Roche!
Everyone fill out the Sweatshirt form

More math, figured out the angle trajectory started building the catapult prototype, should be done by tomorrow

Start thinking about Cadding all the various types of prototypes
Get a real design to see if you can fit everything together
Make a model in CAD
Communicate with the crew

To do list
Finish the rough roads tomorrow
Start building port culls (Tough), works like a window sash with counter weights, get a realistic one

Afternoon or Morning Practice
Adults will be here all the time so kids should stay here as well
Get Motivated

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