Scrum Notes > Monday, January 13


  • MLK Day: we are still ON!
    • Potential driving practice on Saturday as well (need to negotiate an arena)


  • Kicker vs. Catapult (Eacho)
    • We had a wooden prototype
      • if the ball needs to go high, the kicker needs to be low down
      • The catapult got more air, and the kicker got more momentum (and height matters)
    • We need a kicker prototype so that we can judge against a catapult
    • Use surgical hose as spring
    • Catapult math on-going


  • Software (Kevin, Battis)
    • RoboRealm pipeline is identifying center of retroreactive target and feeding it to cRIO through a NetworkTable


  • Practice Arena (Donald)
    • Truss and goal are finished and to heights
    • Need low goal dimensions to calculate the size/shape of the vision target (Eacho will find it)
    • Thinking about building the a top of the goal
    • We would also like a low goal


  • Wiring (Roche & Co)
    • Power board is going to go vertical in the robot
    • Second power board is prototyping the verticality idea
    • Progress has been made and things are being bolted down right now (60%)


  • Bumpers (Wells, Stanton)
    • Have begun cutting dovetail joints, will finish tonight
    • Have contracted with Katrina Wells to fabricate covers (double-check rules)


  • T-Shirts (Cynthia)
    • Logo designed by Victoria Putnam
    • Cynthia is pulling together the rest of the T-shirt, will survey for colors
    • Should shop for other schwag (Eacho wants outerwear)


  • El Toro (Klem, Stoudt)
    • Constructed one motor-mount, need to replicate a second one
    • We have couplers (need to cut key ways)




These will happen no matter what

  1. Drive
  2. Herd
  3. Score >= 6 pts
  4. Bumpers
  • Do this first week, while prototypers prototype
  • Documentation


Prioritize, try to get to as many as possible

  1. Maneuverable (drive train and practice)
  • Mecanum wheels
  • Hold (hardware) a. with potential to shoot if that system comes online b. Loading (hardware) — might not even need this
  • Shoot 8’ (hardware)
  • Some aiming (software)
  • Second robot for driving practice/thinkin’

If Time Permits

Reach goals

  1. Catch
  2. Differential power settings
  3. Vision system
  4. Modular goalie arm (sub 30 lb, replace shooter at competition)


  • Clean up after yourself
  • Help teammates clean up after themselves
  • We don’t leave until we scrum… we don’t scrum until the shop is clear
  • Half-finished projects go on shelves, not the floor
  • Scrap is only useful if it’s stock, stock is only useful if it’s organized

Robot Deadlines

Jan. 11: Drivetrain

Jan. 15: Mock Thrower

Jan. 18: Picker-Upper Real

Jan. 22: Vomiter I

Jan. 25: Vomiter II

Jan. 29: Gearbox

Feb. 8: Finish Mechanicals

Side Projects

Things we can do before we have a design finalized…

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