Day 01/20 Scrum Notes


Painting some defenses, three done

Building Drawbridge, mounted on top of the base need the door. Slight trouble w/ the door

Just started port cullis

Drive Train

working on the wheels, need to be drilled for hubs, mix up and matches, finished outer hub part of the wheels

Ready to talk to Mr. Wells and be finished with wheels tmrw


Camera can turn

Changed application, switched camera

Trying to get camera installed to the grip software


Design is on outer idea paint board

Started a wood prototype. Need to talk to mentors about design


Mounted one leg. Had to make new leg today. Goal: Fully functional by the end of Friday.

Extra space in the middle of the robot
Need a system for loading the ball like a snowplow that captures the ball inside of it
Catapult should be on gimbals that can pivot around, using vision tracking to move it around
Ball will be launched on top of the roof but we need something to get it onto the top of the catapult
One way is take the catapult itself on the gimbal so it reaches down to get the ball
Possibly cables inside the shaft to pull them around, may need another version


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