- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Electronics (Mr. Roche)
- Today
- Wiring on robot – need to continue tonight
- Need to add 3 more talons
- Made hardwired switch-light for contact switches
- Don’t know if we’re going to use
- Wifi box made + velcro-ed
- Need to bolt to robot
- Planning
- Hope to finish soon
Laser Cutter(Niles)
- Today
- Its setting stuff on fire TT^TT
- maybe try cleaning the lens?
- Its setting stuff on fire TT^TT
- Planning
- BulletedListOfPlans
Elevator (Scrummer)
- Today
- Hooks + Base ready to VHB
- Broke one of acrylic hooks (the one we were testing)
- Maybe use some other material?
- Electronics board CAD-ed ready to print
- in two pieces
- Planning
- Need to move whole elevator up 1.5 in-ish
- Hook coming around knocks tote out
- Height is ok
- Need to move whole elevator up 1.5 in-ish
Contact Switches (David)
- Today
- Mount is bolted in drive train
- Planning
- Need to make symmetrical limit switches
Control/Code (Kevin)
- Today
- Minor change in code
- Speed of conveyor changed
- Drive train: weight is uneven, need to change the code to adjust to that
- Planning
- Work on stuff ^^^
Four? Link (Donald + Korn)
- Today
- In process of making 2nd four-link
- Need to laser cut motor mount (x4)
- Planning
- Keep on working
Back/Side Bumper (Jason, Gillian)
- Today
- Will be finished by today
- Back + Side bumper
- Planning
- Work on stuff ^^