- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Mech (Jane, Kevin, Harry, Donald)
- Today
- Took off wheels and gearboxes out of last year’s mule
- Planning
- looking to put it in this years’ robot
Hook (Niles)
- Today
- designed more hooks for container-picking (using CAD)
- problem: it does not fit in the 3d printer window
- designed more hooks for container-picking (using CAD)
- Planning
- redesign the hook
- make the hook out of wood
Stacker (Mr. Roche)
- Today
- Cut holes for stacker
- Currently working on the drums
- Planning
- Continue building – FAST!
- make support/frame that can be bolted onto
Drawing Bandana (Sarah, eunsoo)
- Today
- Drawing the final draft
- Planning
- Finished in two days
Lathe (Mr. Wells)
- Today
- Lathe is now fixed.
Sorting (Thayer and Kate)
- Today
- Sorted bolts!E(Thank you Thayer and Kate!)
*Pictures updated in ‘Team Media’ Folder.
**Shirts arrived! – Mostly passed out.
***Team Picture day… again. (next Monday)
****Chilean kids are interested in joining!