El Toro
- Fixed Constraint issue (in an assembly)
- Added wheels
- Need to put in gear boxes test it
FIRST Qualification
- Making a list of parts and
- Weighing the parts
- Robot weight at this point _____
- Drive train is 47 lbs
- K value for a spring Spring is 2.5 lbs per inch
- Kevin david working support bars—-
- everthing is mounting
- now we are working to mount on arm
- Want motor casing done.
- Motor mounts
- need to find Andy mark hub
- and find hollow tube to match
- David working on support for catapult
- Design Tower and how it attaches to frame
- Finding angles for the metal bending
- Measured lengths parts to get bar inside perimeter of frame
- Mr wells was helping everyone
- Will doing borings.
- Cynthia shared google doc to do sizes
- Need to have a chat about sweaters
- Shopping List
- Current awaiting the arrival of…
- Gearmotor and mounting brackets
- Second axis camera and encoder mounts
- Hubs, window motor mounts and hex shafts
Ryan A waiting for window motor mount from AndyMarks
El Toro Remains priority…
These will happen no matter what
- Drive
- Herd
- Score >= 6 pts
- Bumpers
- Do this first week, while prototypers prototype
- Documentation
Prioritize, try to get to as many as possible
- Maneuverable (drive train and practice)
- Mecanum wheels
- Hold (hardware) a. with potential to shoot if that system comes online b. Loading (hardware) — might not even need this
- Shoot 8’ (hardware)
- Some aiming (software)
- Second robot for driving practice/thinkin’
If Time Permits
Reach goals
- Catch
- Differential power settings
- Vision system
- Modular goalie arm (sub 30 lb, replace shooter at competition)
- Clean up after yourself
- Help teammates clean up after themselves
- We don’t leave until we scrum… we don’t scrum until the shop is clear
- Half-finished projects go on shelves, not the floor
- Scrap is only useful if it’s stock, stock is only useful if it’s organized
Robot Deadlines
Jan. 11: Drivetrain
Jan. 15: Mock Thrower
Jan. 22: El Toro/Vomiter
Jan. 25: Manual Catapult
Jan. 29: Gearbox
Feb. 1: Catapult Complete
Feb. 8: Finish Mechanicals
Side Projects
Things we can do before we have a design finalized…