Team Safety Videos (Harry, Patrick, Niki)
- What did I do today? editing
- What will I do tomorrow? done after that
- What’s standing in my way? nothing
Team Programming People
- What did I do today? motors got to run
- What will I do tomorrow? get software that comes out tomorrow
- What’s standing in my way? logitect controller not working
Team Tyreese
- What did I do today? cut pieces DFB borders for plastic heater
- What will I do tomorrow? start clamps
- What’s standing in my way? nothing
Team Cynthia and Kate
- What did I do today? communications police, team made Instagram, twitter, snapchat all accounts are team3566 (talk to MS. NUGENT)
- What will I do tomorrow? does anyone have sponsor ideas
- What’s standing in my way? not enough sponsors
Team Clean up and Organizing
- What did I do today? cleaned up both electronics and workshop rooms
- What will I do tomorrow? keep cleaning
- What’s standing in my way? TASK COMES OUT TOMORROW!!!