- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Logitech Controller (Kevin)
- Today
- Figured out Logitech f310 Button & Axis Layout (except for D-Pad)
- Updated in Team Manual
- Planning
- Find how D-Pad numbers are
Elevator Roller (Mr. Wells et al.)
- Today
- Making bearings (drawing holes)
- Key shaft made
The Arm (Mr. Battis & Harry)
- Today
- Sketched the general dimensions of how long the arm needs to be
- Planning
- Prototype rails
- Arm needs to have some sort of telescoping ability
- More programming or more motors
Safety (Everyone)
- Today
- Remind everyone of the dangers of an enabled robot
- Planning
- Find Yellow Light and put it in the robot
Dustpan (Mr. Battis)
- Today
- Drawing ‘Rail Dimensions’
- The Dustpan drawn: 22 degrees
- Planning
- Building the actual robot (including dustpan) using CAD (Autodesk Inventor)
Pit (Cynthia, Jane)
- Today
- Created a pit design with Ms. Levandowski
- She is in charge of designs at St. Mark’s
- Instead of side walls, we will have PVC pipes for pit structure
- light to carry
- Created a pit design with Ms. Levandowski
- Planning
- Make the PVC pipe (9 feet?)
- triangulate it (so that it is easy to fix & stable) – talk to Mr. Wells
- Make the PVC pipe (9 feet?)
*Monday is Photo Day! (Also, two guests are coming on Monday.)
**Email Jane/Cynthia for a jacket.
***T-shirts are coming January 24th.