Scrum Notes > Monday,  January 6


  • Ball is bouncy
    • Probable 5 second delay if ball is given a good kick
    • Defense can just kick the ball around (making chaos)
    • 2 bots could squeeze the ball into the corner
    • Missed shots will go all over
    • Ball control will be difficult
    • Throw over the truss is very difficult (hard to throw, catch, control)
      • but truss and catch are not bonuses: added to score immediately
    • Safe 31 points by scoring in the low goal (controlled)
    • Play defense by forcing robots off the ball
    • Be ready for “opportunistic” defense
  • This is the year for maneuverability
    • Mecanum wheels!
    • Driving practice!
    • Low robots for the low goal (high vulnerable to loss of control)
    • potential for catching
  • Can we contain the the ball inside the robot?
    • Arms are vulnerable to, well… amputation
      • can we build very strong arms that grab the ball under the equator
  • Stick to the sideline — can only be hit from one side
    • One robot dribbles/runs, one blocks, third scores
    • Defend against this by positioning a bot on the sideline
  • How many cycles can we reasonably expect?
    • Last year, best teams made 6-7 cycles with frisbees
    • Throw and catch is slooooow
  • If there’s no one to pass with, we need to be able to put up some points
  • In theory, one robot could block a single low goal solo
    • Does this push shooting from a “should” to a “must”?
    • A team that dedicates itself to blocking hurts its own potential for assists/scoring
  • Need to protect ball when holding it
    • Don’t want it cantilevered in front of the robot
    • “Elephant tusk” lifters
    • Use our 30 lb. allowance for spare arms? — or just build something good’n’sturdy the first time
  • Second robot
    • At least identical drive train
    • Hammer out software
    • Driving practice

scoring permutations.jpg

autonomous scoring permutations.jpg



These will happen no matter what

  1. Drive
  2. Herd
  3. Score >= 6 pts
  4. Bumpers
  • Do this first week, while prototypers prototype
  • Documentation


Prioritize, try to get to as many as possible

  1. Maneuverable (drive train and practice)
  • Mecanum wheels
  • Hold (hardware) a. with potential to shoot if that system comes online b. Loading (hardware) — might not even need this
  • Shoot 8’ (hardware)
  • Some aiming (software)
  • Second robot for driving practice/thinkin’

If Time Permits

Reach goals

  1. Catch
  2. Differential power settings
  3. Vision system
  4. Modular goalie arm (sub 30 lb, replace shooter at competition)


  • Clean up after yourself
  • Help teammates clean up after themselves
  • We don’t leave until we scrum… we don’t scrum until the shop is clear
  • Half-finished projects go on shelves, not the floor
  • Scrap is only useful if it’s stock, stock is only useful if it’s organized

Building Tonight

  1. Frame up Mecanum chassis avec Mssr. Eacho (CAD your work! — Alex & Varun?)
  • Jane, Ryan L., David E., Will
  • Wiring with Mr. Roche —> feeds into software
  • Kevin, David B., Roche
  • Bumper constuction con Sr. Wells
  • Cynthia, Niles, Wells

Current Projects

Things we can do before we have a design finalized…

  • Bumpers
  • Drivetrain
  • Drive stations
  • Documentation

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