Scrum Notes > Thursday, January 16


  • Wiring team  (Roche, Ryan A David B)
    • Second board is finished
    • Want to make vertical set get in on one of the drive trains
    •  2nd board was tested for Power –Works! (Needs some further testing to make sure camera is working lights etc.
    • Need to make on-line document of wiring pattern (Google Doc or get the Robot Builder File output and put to Canvas–and then updated)


  • Catapult Team (Wells, David E)
    • Finally Figured out the size of the catapult
    • Have metal in right size
    • Now figure out mounting (say 2 days maybe three)
    • Need to order second dog set


  • El Toro Team (David E)
    • Nothing– We have 4 blue tubes made
    • We should make another 4 set of blue tubes (MANY BLUE TUBES)
    • Waiting for Boring Tool


  • Second Chassis Team (Cynthia, Jane)
    • Put gear boxes with cims
    • Need to put on wheels
    • Want to put on Upright Power board


  • CAD Modeling Team (Roche, Niles)
    • Uploaded entire set of KOP CAD Files to Canvas
    • Canvas location is in Files (so students need permissions for their own downloading)
    • Niles looking into finding specific Mecanum Part CAD files from AndyMark or other source


  • Field Modeling (No work)
    • Donald absent


  • Shop Organization
    • Will Baum Organized Bolts


  • Bumpers
    • We re-read R-26 and decided the spacer-and-bolt arrangement should be part of the bumper. The designs Cynthia & I talked about incorporating a polycarbonate shim under a ledger strip which will set a uniform height of the bumper on the frame. The shim will be grooved vertically so that it can slip down into place over the projecting bolt heads. The ledger might be made of polycarbonate or wood, and might include a diagonal element inside each corner. We have a concern that the metal chassis panels outside the wheels are only marginally supported by the AndyMark supplied metal parts (chorros) and will deform by racking diagonally if abused. Our half-blind dovetails will certainly be up to the task of stiffening and strengthening the chassis, as long as the wooden parts remain integral to the whole chassis.

      To that end, the bumpers should ideally be bolted at three non-collinear points on each side of the chassis to ensure a rigid coplanar relationship. I guess these 12 bolts should be easily removable in 5 minutes by two team members with power tools. Perhaps we should put together a “pitstop kit” that contains two special tools dedicated just to this job.


  • Sensor Team (Programming, Kevin,)
    • Waiting for Encoder mounts
    • Kevin installed Green LED ring (tested and it works)


  • Shopping List
    • Waiting for Camera
    • Waiting for Encoder Mounts.


  • If Boring tool comes get el toro 
  • Mr. Wells Concentrating on El toro motor mounts
  • Outline programming plan for software


These will happen no matter what

  1. Drive
  2. Herd
  3. Score >= 6 pts
  4. Bumpers
  • Do this first week, while prototypers prototype
  • Documentation


Prioritize, try to get to as many as possible

  1. Maneuverable (drive train and practice)
  • Mecanum wheels
  • Hold (hardware) a. with potential to shoot if that system comes online b. Loading (hardware) — might not even need this
  • Shoot 8’ (hardware)
  • Some aiming (software)
  • Second robot for driving practice/thinkin’

If Time Permits

Reach goals

  1. Catch
  2. Differential power settings
  3. Vision system
  4. Modular goalie arm (sub 30 lb, replace shooter at competition)


  • Clean up after yourself
  • Help teammates clean up after themselves
  • We don’t leave until we scrum… we don’t scrum until the shop is clear
  • Half-finished projects go on shelves, not the floor
  • Scrap is only useful if it’s stock, stock is only useful if it’s organized

Robot Deadlines

Jan. 11: Drivetrain

Jan. 15: Mock Thrower

Jan. 22: El Toro/Vomiter

Jan. 25: Manual Catapult

Jan. 29: Gearbox

Feb. 1: Catapult Complete

Feb. 8: Finish Mechanicals

Side Projects

Things we can do before we have a design finalized…

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