Wednesday 12/9 Scrum Notes

A Team

  1. What did I do today? Finished the robot. Put the screws through the hole. It will drive now.
  2. What will I do tomorrow? Heard not seen, programming the robot.
  3. What’s standing in my way? Nothing

Everyone Hates Chris

  1. What did I do today? Finish one side of the drive train, trying to finish the other side.
  2. What will I do tomorrow? Finish the drive, start programming if time is left.
  3. What’s standing in my way? Some pieces not cooperating.


  1. What did I do today? Put the wheels on. Put the ball bearings on.
  2. What will I do tomorrow? Hopefully finish the drive train.
  3. What’s standing in my way? Missing Pieces

Team Complicated Spelling

  1. What did I do today? Finished putting on the gear boxes and motors.
  2. What will I do tomorrow?Finishing the chassis
  3. What’s standing in my way? Weight of the wheels is making it hard to get the screws in.


Today: Built chassis, talked about finance, started programming. Sorted Bolts

Tomorrow: Finish Chassis and start teaching robot builder. Retrieve all the materials newly bought. Possibly reassemble last years robot to use on the open house. Find more sponsors.


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