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- What did I do today?
- What will I do tomorrow?
- What’s standing in my way?
Driving Practice (Wu)
- Today
- Practiced on last year’s competition bot
- Showed David Baek how to write code, use RobotBuilder
- Planning
- Maybe try some driving practice with a shelving unit on top of the bot to get height and weight approximation?
Elevator (Helynna, Niles)
- Today
- Working on bottom axle roller — essentially complete, just need to bolted on
- Top axle
- Getting ready to VHB bottom assembly to frame (part of the tensioner)
- Wired a motor, but we need to figure out where it goes
- CADded up the side pieces of the elevator and laser cut them
- We _think_ everything will fit inside the height limit (given our present CAD sketch)
- Planning
- 4 1/2″ shaft collars — check drawers before purchasing
- Need to finish the motor connections
Sensors (Wu/Roche)
- Planning
- Do we need a photo gate?
- We just got about 20 limit switches through FIRST Choice
- Probably want to build cases with roller
- We can probably figure out what floor the tote is on with only one or two switches — talk quadratures with Wells
2-belt Dimensions (Battis)
- Today
- Drew out a 2-belt system, seems like there’s lots of space
- Tried “dunking” the can with a hammer hook, and there is _a lot_ of force behind it, need to slow it down or make sure we’re just “kissing” the top tote
- Seemed pretty stable as it hit the top tote (not as much worry about antlers or fenders to keep it from rolling off)
- Planning
- Software: need to factor in a counter to bring up a short stack of totes if we have to drop a short stack with a barrel
- Experiment with larger rollers to reduce angular velocity of the base of the barrel going “over the top”
Chassis (Jane & Thayer)
- Today
- Dismantled the new chassis
- Removed the hangy-downy-gets-stuck-on-things tab — no more getting high centered
- New Mecanum gearboxes are back-ordered until the 26th today (was the 23rd yesterday)
- Mr. B has notifications set for when the new Mecanum parts come in stock
- Planning
- Jane’s going to hang around and re-assemble the chassis
- Let’s drill holes (real careful like) to attach old gearboxes
- Check to see if we can adjust the gearbox/chassis interference with a spacer on the axle
- Maybe widen the pontoons to put the gearbox on the outer wall of the inner wall?
Hammer Stick (Niles)
- Today
- New design ready for 3D printing
- Planning
Sekret Art Project (Eun Soh, Sarah)
- Today
- Final design finished by tomorrow
Writing (Jane & Cynthia)
- Today
- Spent some time working on essays today, but frustration is running high
- 2/3 of the way through the first Deans’ List and Woodie Flowers nominations
- Planning
- Need some more active help from others to get these DONE
- If anyone is free or wants to work on this on their own time, talk to Cynthia or Jane
Happy Birthday, Sarah!