Scrum Notes > Saturday, January 11


We did not formally scrum today, but things did happen…


  • Practice Arena (Liu Industries)
    • Looks like the truss and both high and low goal mock-ups are just about ready!


  • Mock Thrower (Wells, English & Co.)
    • More experimentation with the bent conduit scoop
    • Concern that the conduit scoop can only lift the ball when attacking head-on
    • More winch dogbox schematics.


  • Drivetrain (David E. et al)
    • Turns out that the issue with the mecanum wheels was that the left and right wheels weren’t properly oriented (the little diagonal rollers need to be correctly aligned for them to really work right — and we had them exactly the opposite of correctly aligned, which meant they almost worked)


  • Power board (Roche et al)
    • The analog break-out board was installed on the wrong port of the cRIO, but that has now been fixed and the jumper applied to the battery level indicator so that we can get a read on battery charge in the dashboard.
    • The camera originally connected to the power board may be fried (or was always dead — hard to say), and has now been replaced.
    • An LED light ring (with an on/off switch — turn it off when not in use) has been installed.


  • Vision (Battis, Roche and friends)
    • The camera has been configured (, username FRC, password FRC — these are standard settings).
    • RoboRealm has been set up on the drive station to connect to the camera.
    • The RoboRealm feed has been connected to the SmartDashboard.
    • The deep and abiding mystery of NetworkTables has been tapped — RoboRealm is setting a variable in a NetworkTable that can be read by the cRIO — or the SmartDashboard, or any other app running on the drive station computer.
    • The current “vision” for the vision system is to do much of the processing either in RoboRealm or a stand-alone Java app (similar to the FRC 2014 Vision Sample code) on the drive station and then write resultant values (distance and angle to target, for example) to a NetworkTable that the cRIO could then read and respond to. The cRIO won’t touch the actual camera feed.
    • We may need to dial down the FPS of the camera so that we have sufficient bandwidth to control the robot over wireless.


  • Shopping List
    • Tiny, flat-head screwdrivers to replace/expand our supply of screwdrivers used to pry open power board connectors
    • Adhesive velcro strips for D-Link
    • More burly helping hand for soldering



These will happen no matter what

  1. Drive
  2. Herd
  3. Score >= 6 pts
  4. Bumpers
  • Do this first week, while prototypers prototype
  • Documentation


Prioritize, try to get to as many as possible

  1. Maneuverable (drive train and practice)
  • Mecanum wheels
  • Hold (hardware) a. with potential to shoot if that system comes online b. Loading (hardware) — might not even need this
  • Shoot 8’ (hardware)
  • Some aiming (software)
  • Second robot for driving practice/thinkin’

If Time Permits

Reach goals

  1. Catch
  2. Differential power settings
  3. Vision system
  4. Modular goalie arm (sub 30 lb, replace shooter at competition)


  • Clean up after yourself
  • Help teammates clean up after themselves
  • We don’t leave until we scrum… we don’t scrum until the shop is clear
  • Half-finished projects go on shelves, not the floor
  • Scrap is only useful if it’s stock, stock is only useful if it’s organized

Robot Deadlines

Jan. 11: Drivetrain

Jan. 15: Mock Thrower

Jan. 18: Picker-Upper Real

Jan. 22: Vomiter I

Jan. 25: Vomiter II

Jan. 29: Gearbox

Feb. 8: Finish Mechanicals

Side Projects

Things we can do before we have a design finalized…

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