12 from St. Mark’s Take Part in Student Diversity Leadership and People of Color Conferences at Indianapolis

Over three days this past week, Mykel Macedon ’15, Abby Moses ’16, Janelle Carmichael ’17, Hans Zhou ’16, Alexa Colon ’17, and Ryan Haarstick ’15 joined Modern Language teacher Both Long, Math Department chair Karen Bryant, Art teacher Barbara Putnam, Sarah McCann of the English Department, Director of Community & …
“Leadership in Diversity”: Sierra Rother ’15 Receives Garrahan Award from the Alliance for MetroWest Unity

At the 22nd Annual John P. Garrahan MetroWest Community Prayer Breakfast earlier this month, Sierra Rother ‘15 was one of thirteen local high school students honored with the John P. Garrahan Leadership in Diversity Award by the Alliance for MetroWest Unity. Each was recognized for fostering “greater communication and harmony …
Ryan Palmer ’14 Receives PFLAG Award

Sixth Former Ryan Palmer was recently presented with the 2014 Elise Frank Scholarship Award by the Greater Boston PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people) for his efforts to improve the School’s climate for LGBTQ youth and their allies and to create greater support and …
St. Mark’s Hosts Annual AISNE Students of Color Conference

This past weekend, St. Mark’s hosted the annual High School Students of Color Conference, sponsored by the Association of Independent Schools in New England (AISNE). The High School Students of Color Conference was created in recognition of the unique needs, experiences, and challenges of students of color in independent schools. …
Guest Presenter Facilitates Faculty Discussion on Global Citizenship

Just before classes resumed for the spring term, the St. Mark’s faculty participated in a Professional Development program focusing on Global Citizenship. The facilitator and keynote speaker for the two-day event was Dr. Maghan Keita, history professor and director of the Institute for Global Interdisciplinary Studies at Villanova’s College of …
Psychologist and Educator David Shim Addresses St. Markers on “Diversity”

On Thursday afternoon, January 9, Dr. David Shim, senior lecturer in Psychology at Boston University, addressed students and faculty on the subject of “diversity”. His appearance was sponsored by the St. Mark’s Community and Equity Committee. A licensed clinical psychologist who also teaches at Emerson College and the University of …
Anti-Racism Activist Tim Wise Visits St. Mark’s: Addresses Students and Faculty

On Thursday September 26, nationally renowned anti-racism activist and author Tim Wise visited St. Mark’s. He spoke with the faculty earlier in the day, and in the afternoon he addressed the entire student body in the Class of 1945 Hall. Using wit, insight, facts, and anecdote, he took his audience …
Dean of Academics Lynette Sumpter Speaks on Equity as Part of NPEA Education Panel

In late April, Lynette Sumpter, St. Mark’s Dean of Academics and Director of the School’s new Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, took part in the 5th Annual National Partnership for Educational Access (NPEA) Conference in Cambridge, MA. She spoke as part of an Alumni Panel regarding equity in …
Gray Colloquium: A Full Day of Workshops, Music Honors Dr. King’s Legacy

On Tuesday, January 23rd, St. Mark’s School honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a full day of music and special workshops. Faculty, student, and special guest facilitators led a wide range of workshop and discussion opportunities, while the award-winning ensemble of Dave LeMieux & House of …